EdMed Talks
Explore the unpredictable and demanding world of parenting with husband-and-wife duo, Drs. Adam and Jaclyn Dovico! As an educator (Adam), pediatrician (Jaclyn), and parents ourselves, we understand the joys and challenges of raising children. Join us as we talk candidly about parenting in a digital age and ways that you can raise happy and healthy children. Remember, there is no such thing as a perfect parent, but you can be the best parent for your child.
EdMed Talks
Episode 30: The REAL Panic List
For our final episode of Season 3, we return to The Panic List! Unlike our first Panic List in Season 2 (where we shared issues that often panic parents), we flipped the script this time and shared things that worry us as a pediatrician and educator. From bullying to dehydration to gun safety, you'll gather up a whole list of things to keep a keen eye out for as parents!